Solar Feasibility


Solar Feasibility Study Services

MG Solutions provides expert feasibility study services to the renewable energy market out of our extensive experience in fiscal and load forecasting, supply analysis and energy optimisation through modelling.

What is a solar feasibility study?

A solar feasibility study determines whether your property is both technically and financially appropriate for the installation of a solar energy system.


How do we do Feasibility Study?

  • Gather data from the Client and suppliers
    • Historical energy use, magnitude and usage patterns
    • Historical load shedding
    • Historical costs
  • Forecast energy demand and supply costs
  • Determine feasible systems
    • Developing a client tailored model
    • Optimise the supply options to reliably meet the demand by
      • Minimising supply costs
      • Adhering to energy and technical constraints
  • Discuss findings with the Client.
  • If contracted, implement the desired solution.

Feasibility studies can be done on numerous levels.

  • MG Energy Solutions can be contracted as a consultant to large corporations for feasibility studies only.
  • MG Energy Solutions will provide complimentary feasibility studies prior to MG performing the installation.

MG Energy Solutions provides the following services:

  • Energy mix analysis – Financial and usage modelling.
  • Complete renewable energy feasibility study.
  • Installation of bespoke solutions based on feasibility studies.

MG Energy Solutions provides the following services:

Get in touch with the professionals at MG Solutions for quality services at competitive prices.

MG Solutions compiles in-depth feasibility studies for renewable energy systems. The process can be described as follows:

  • Client energy requirements are analysed to develop a general and hourly usage model to ascertain energy usage patterns.
  • Historical solar energy potential data is analysed 30 years in arrears to project future solar energy yield.
  • Historical load-shedding data is analysed to forecast future breakdowns.
  • Historical cost data for state-provided energy is analysed in conjunction with known future price increases to forecast a projected energy cost from the state utility provider.
  • A bespoke feasibility model is created to account for all of the above factors and ascertain the least-cost energy mix to meet the client’s requirements at the lowest possible cost for the life cycle of the proposed system. The model outlines the specifications of the solar energy system needed to create the lowest possible energy cost to the client.

Why do a Feasibility Study?

Customer benefits for completing a feasibility study.



Accurate analysis of client’s energy requirements.



In-depth projections of future energy costs.



Assurance that the least cost system is being provided for maximum savings.



We develop a client tailored model to ensure your system is reliable and the supply options are optimised for your use.

What is the next step? Implementation

MG Solutions also provides comprehensive installation services in the renewable energy market. Our implementation services include:

  • Bespoke recommendations – every organisation has different energy needs. We determine and recommend the best options available to our customers.
  • Renewable energy installation.
  • Project management.
  • Infrastructure procurement.
  • Facilitation of third-party contractual implementations e.g. green building ratings agencies.